The day to climb the mount kk finally arrived.
6.30am : Van ( bus-stop).
9.00am: Registration + breakfast (sandwich + eggs + banana + apple )
10.30am: Started to climb mountain.

All so happy and excited...... semangat Malaysia Boleh !!!!
Just about 20 minutes climbing the mount, I felt like very tired due to my heavy bag (6-8kg)..T.T.... Due to my poor stamina , my group members were very far in front of me... how come I am so weak? Hmmmm.....
I started to climb the mount alone..... motivated myself... there was no turning back.... Keep on moving ~ gosh~ tired + endless stairs.... argh !
Rest, move,rest, move, rest, move........ Lunch time.....

Eating alone .... finally surprise ~ met my 1st year ex-roommate.... he is so nice.
The other geng of my friends...

Enjoying the surrounding and environment.....

Finally at about 4.15pm , I reached at the cafe.... hahahahaha......
Just after stepped inside the cafe, the people in the cafe...clapping hands.... woah~ they praised me~ so long time already nobody praise me...=)
I made it, I made it....yes~ yes~
Siting down, ate maggi mee with Liyin and Daisy.... so nice the maggi mee....
Chit chat + buffet.... met new friend, Mei Hwa if not mistaken.... she is UMS student year 3 EE. @.@''' never saw her before.... she looks like a china girl...haha..
Went to the hostel at 6.15pm. with Daisy...gosh...need to climb for about 100m....
again? climb again? argh~~~~~
Sleeping mode after change my clothes.
~!@#$%^&*()_+ siapa tu bising bising.....David the Siaw..... haha.... really beh tahan can't sleep because HIM.....
Played poker and continued to sleep after took a tablet of panadol...zzz
1.30am.....woke up....went down to the cafe to have our buffet before continue to climb to the peak of the mount..
2.30am started to climb..... really difficult compared to yesterday.... raining !!!!
damn cold.... freezing ~At 5.30am , reached the check point... while I rested for about 5min, the tour guide said can't climb to the peak !!!! why? Raining heavily..... shaking - my brain almost stagnant - really beh ~
mau pengsan~~~~~
Once stop raining, I climbed down back to the cafe..... While climbing down to the cafe.... met a new friend, civil final year UMS from KL...Mr. Ong Wai Keat if not mistaken.... lol... he helped to shot pics....haha
Right after reached the cafe, I ran to the toilet-vomiting-......>.<''''
Rm25.00 for the service to carry my bag . Difficult also to went down also.... T.T
stairs stairs stairs....... 4 hours needed to reach at the normal ground level. At 3.30pm, we went to a cafe to eat our last buffet.. burger + green tea + fruites +......etc.... green tea is the best ! haha..
5pm : went back to UMS by a van...... everyone slept like a pig while going back to ums.... Quite fun actually..... =)
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