Tuesday, March 29, 2011



How about you?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Received a msg from my ex f6 class mate.

'' Life is more meaningful when we can help people.It is worth to live a life of giving, caring and loving people.:-) although it is hard to trust and love people the way they are, I believe we still have to do it. By God love, we can love people.:-) Just share. ''

Woah..so meaningful.
Thx yea.

Saturday, March 12, 2011



WHAT you learn at school are facts, known facts.
Your job at school is to accumulate and remember facts. The more you can remember, the better you do.

Those who fail at school are not interested in facts; or maybe the facts are not put to them in a way they find interesting.

Some people simply don't have a great faculty for memory.

It doesn't mean they are stupid. It means their imagination hasn't been fired up by a academic tuition.

People who are conventionally clever get jobs on their qualifications(the past), not on their desire to succeed (the future).

Very simply, they get overtaken by those who continually strike to be better than they are.

As long as the goals is there, there is no limit to anyone's achievement.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The goose blames the boy, the boy blames the goose.

IF YOU are involved in something that goes wrong, never blame others. Blame no one but yourself.

If you have touched something, accept the total responsibility for that piece of work.

If you accept responsibility, you are in a position to do something about it.

Here are some common excuses for failure:
1. It was a terrible brief.
2. I need a better partner.
3. There wasn't enough money to do it properly.
4. The director din't listen to me.
5. I was too busy on other projects.
6. I wasn't given enough time.
7. The client took out the best ideas.

Most of these grievances are every day on every job. That won't change.

The point is that, whatever other people's falling might be, you are the one to shoulder the responsibility.

There are no excuses.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do not Covet Your Ideas.

Give away everything you know,
and more will come back to you.

You will remember from school students preventing you from seeing their answers by placing their arm around their exercise book or exam paper.

It is the same at work , people are secretive with ideas. 'Don't tell them that, they'll take the credit for it.'

The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves.Eventually you'll become stale.

If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish.

Somehow the more you give away the more it come back to you.

Ideas are open knowledge. Don't claim ownership.

They're not your ideas anyway, there're someone else's. They are out there floating by on the ether.

You just have to put yourself in a frame of mind to pick them up.

Friday, March 4, 2011

1st time

This is the very 1st time I can't cope with my studies and assignments.....
oh shit.....
I wonder the next two sems, how to handle my fyp ???
Is it due to the cny holidays?
I don't think so.
My problems....>.<''