Thursday, September 23, 2010


Moon produces no light.
The Moon is sphere.
The light is from the Sun.
Once the Sun light falls upon the Moon,
The Moon looks so gorgeous.

Moon cakes produce no light as well,
Eat moon cakes while looking at the Moon,
Make you look gorgeous,
The Moon light falls upon your eyes,
and the Moon cakes represent the Moon,

Moon is tasteless,
Full Moon is sweet,
Moon cakes is not full,
It taste so sweet,
You look so sweet.

Moon is weaker than the Sun,
in terms of gravity and size,
Sun not need Moon,
Moon not need Sun,
Earth needs both of them.

Happy Moon cakes festival,
To all my friends, family and relatives.
May the Moon bless us,
Sucks all the bad lucks with it's gravity.
Moon oh Moon................


1 comment:

  1. GOOD one!!!!..happy mooncake festival,happy happy happy~~~~
